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AaronCTI – CTI & OSINT may never be the same again!

An introduction to the newest, most magnificent blog on CTI & OSINT on the whole internet! With me, AaronCTI!

Suggested Beer: Oedipus Hosanna Double IPA
Metal Artist of the Week: Trivium

Before COVID-19, I had some incredible beers from Europe.

Hi, I’m AaronCTI welcome to the blog I’ve decided to set up while locked up at home during everyone’s favourite global pandemic currently. I’m Aaron, and I am a Cyber Threat & Open-Source Intelligence analyst working in the UK. I hope this blog will become a useful resource for people involved in the industry and those looking to learn more about CTI or OSINT.

I got a professional shot done once!

AaronCTI – A Background

My background in intelligence spans over a decade across the public and private sectors as well as military experience, currently I work for a large media organisation in the UK as a senior CTI analyst. In my time, I’ve seen intelligence from all sides of the cyber spectrum, and have a thorough understanding of how campaigns move from design to execution, and of course, how defence responds (or not as it seems in a large number of cases).

My initial plan for this blog will be to cover things such as:

Those last few things are some of my main personal interests, and I hope they will provide a little bit of colour away from everything being all work and all cyber all the time. We all have lives outside of our computers, don’t we? Not anymore? Well, thanks, Corona.

Not the cause of COVID-19.

CyBeer of The Week

I will also include a suggested beer to drink while reading my posts and a metal artist of the week/month/post. This introductory post is a genuine superstar collab, with Hosanna by the Amsterdam-based Oedipus brewery, a super hoppy 9% double IPA that will change your outlook on life. To complement, my metal artist of the week/month/post (you get the idea) is Trivium. An exceptional thrash metal band who have a new album due out imminently. I heartily recommend you try both (if you can get your hands on Hosanna of course! Although links to both above).

As this evolves, I’m sure new ideas will form, and maybe I’ll get adventurous and do videos or podcasts or something. However, I do need to start somewhere. My first real post will be about the recent Trace Labs OSINT CTF event to find missing people. I hope this will be live in the next couple of days so please do keep an eye out. Over time I’ll be looking to use Medium’s ‘Series’ features to try and keep things neat and tidy. In the meantime, I’d ask you to try and grab my suggested beer for this post, and check out some of the new tracks released by Trivium, ahead of their new album coming out. They’re all excellent.

If this post has got you hotter than the sun for more of my witty banter and droll observations, you can follow me on Twitter.

I look forward to engaging and collaborating with you all, and I genuinely hope you find value and insight from my experience and the techniques I come across.

Until the next time,


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